Loan Officer Sales Training Videos

The Complete loan officer training videos below are designed to guide and improve your overall skills in the mortgage industry.

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Mortgage Training Videos

The Complete Loan Officer:

Ten Courses In One

Mortgage Sales training

This Course is 6-8 hours long and covers these topics:


  • Introduction to becoming a Loan Officer.
  • Mortgage Product Review.
  • The Mortgage Process Review.
  • Completing the URLA/1003.
  • Qualifying a borrower.
  • Prospecting for success.
  • Time Management.
  • Selling with Confidence.
  • Database Management.
  • Mortgage Terminology Guide.

After completing this mortgage sales training course, you will be able to master the art of mortgage sales. Throughout the course, you will have gained valuable insights and skills that will undoubtedly set you apart in the industry.

The course covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of becoming a loan officer to the intricacies of mortgage product review, the mortgage process, and the URLA.

You will also learn about qualifying borrowers, prospecting for success, time management, selling with confidence, and database management.

These topics will have equipped you with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in the competitive world of mortgage sales.

The training will provide you with the expertise to reframe your conversations with leads, make them immediately see the value you provide as a loan officer, and turn leads into clients.

It has also emphasized the importance of persistence in improving people skills and has focused on small changes that can have a massive impact on your conversions and growth.

As you move forward in your career, remember that the skills and knowledge you will have acquired during this training will serve as the foundation for your success.

Your dedication to continuous improvement and mastery of mortgage sales will undoubtedly set you apart as a top producer in the industry.

All courses come with exams and a course completion certificate.

Selling with Confidence

Master the art of Sales

Sales Training

Learn different personality types and the psychology of selling to them. Overcome objections, Review scripts for better structured presentations. Several examples provided.

Introduction to becoming

a loan officer

Loan Officer

Becoming a successful loan officer can be quite lucrative, but it also requires a great deal of effort, learning and patience. This course offers valuable information on becoming a loan officer.

Prospecting for Success:

Building Referral Sources

prospecting for success

This course details the various ways loan officers and mortgage brokers can prospect for new business. There are many examples of new and exciting ways to find business.

Mortgage product review

for Loan Officers

Mortgage Product Review

Understanding all products available to your borrowers gives them a full range of choices. It also helps you close more loans as the borrowers see you as the subject matter expert.

Process Knowledge for

the Mortgage industry

process knowledge for the mortgage industry

Learning the mortgage process from A to Z takes time and dedication. While it may seem a bit daunting and unnecessary, the information will make you a subject matter expert.

Effective Techniques for

Working with Borrowers

Sales Techniques

This course covers a range of important topics that are crucial for loan officers to have success in the industry. It was designed for loan officers to enhance their skills and effectiveness.

Time Management

for Loan Officers

Time Management

Time management is a vital skill in the mortgage industry that can lead to improved productivity, reduced stress, and better overall performance. This leads to long term success.

Preparing an Application: Introduction to the URLA/1003

URLA Application

This Course goes into great detail on how to properly write the URLA/1003. Taking an application properly will streamline the process and give your borrowers a better experience.

Database management for

Loan Officers

database management

Creating a database of your contacts, referral sources, former clients and business contacts is an essential part of becoming a successful loan officer. This course details the steps involved.

Qualifying a Borrower:

Income Documents

Qualifying Borrowers

This Course takes a deep dive into the documents used to qualify a borrower’s income. Explore the different IRS tax forms and follow along with the different income calculation methods.

Generate Loans in

Down Markets

Time Management

This course will introduce new and proven prospecting techniques to help loan officers succeed in their careers. The course includes effective ways to generate new loans.

The Complete Loan Officer

Ten Courses In One

Mortgage Sales training

This Course is 6-8 hours long and covers ten courses. After completing this mortgage sales training course, you will be able to master the art of mortgage sales. Throughout the course, you will have gained valuable insights and skills that will undoubtedly set you apart in the industry.


  • Introduction to becoming a Loan Officer.
  • Mortgage Product Review.
  • The Mortgage Process Review.
  • Completing the URLA/1003.
  • Qualifying a borrower.
  • Prospecting for success.
  • Time Management.
  • Selling with Confidence.
  • Database Management.
  • Mortgage Terminology Guide.

Upon completing the mortgage sales training course, you will master the art of mortgage sales and gain valuable insights and skills that set you apart in the industry. The course covers topics from becoming a loan officer to mortgage product review, the mortgage process, and the URLA.

You will also learn about qualifying borrowers, prospecting for success, time management, selling with confidence, and database management, equipping you with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in the competitive world of mortgage sales.

Selling with Confidence

Master the art of Sales

Sales Training

Learn different personality types and the psychology of selling to them. Overcome objections, Review scripts for better structured presentations. Several examples provided.

Prospecting for Success:

Building Referral Sources

prospecting for success

This course details the various ways loan officers and mortgage brokers can prospect for new business. There are many examples of new and exciting ways to find business.

Introduction to becoming

a loan officer

Loan Officer

Becoming a successful loan officer can be quite lucrative, but it also requires a great deal of effort, learning and patience. This course offers valuable information on becoming a loan officer.

Mortgage product review

for Loan Officers


Understanding all products available to your borrowers gives them a full range of choices. It also helps you close more loans as the borrowers see you as the subject matter expert.

Preparing an Application: Introduction to the URLA/1003

URLA Application

This Course goes into great detail on how to properly write the URLA/1003. Taking an application properly will streamline the process and give your borrowers a better experience.

Qualifying a Borrower:

Income Documents

Qualifying Borrowers

This Course takes a deep dive into the documents used to qualify a borrower’s income. Explore the different IRS tax forms and follow along with the different income calculation methods.

Process Knowledge for

the Mortgage industry

process knowledge for the mortgage industry

Learning the mortgage process from A to Z takes time and dedication. While it may seem a bit daunting and unnecessary, the information will make you a subject matter expert.

Effective Techniques for

Working with Borrowers

database management

This course covers a range of important topics that are crucial for loan officers to have success in the industry. It was designed for loan officers to enhance their skills and effectiveness.

Time Management

for Loan Officers

Time Management

Time management is a vital skill in the mortgage industry that can lead to improved productivity, reduced stress, and better overall performance. This leads to long term success.

Database management for

Loan Officers

database management

Creating a database of your contacts, referral sources, former clients and business contacts is an essential part of becoming a successful loan officer. This course details the steps involved.

Success Stories


This mortgage sales training course not only equipped me with the knowledge I needed but also boosted my confidence in a competitive industry.

–Cheryl Johnston,


“I’ll be honest; before this course, I was a bit of a couch potato. But thanks to the dynamic and engaging training, I transformed into a Mortgage Maestro! I’m now helping people achieve their dream homes while hitting my sales targets. Who knew that mortgages could be this much fun?”

–John Banks


“I was initially hesitant about investing in a mortgage sales training course, but I can confidently say it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. The course not only taught me the technical aspects of the mortgage industry but also honed my communication and negotiation skills.

–Natalia Suarez


“Before taking the mortgage sales training course, I struggled to connect with clients and close deals. This course completely transformed my approach. The personalized coaching sessions helped me understand the intricacies of mortgage sales, and the real-life scenarios and role-plays were incredibly valuable. “

–Maria Acosta


“I’ve been in the industry a few years, things have gotten a bit tough lately. I was reluctant to take the course. I was pleasantly surprised by the content! It was thorough, comprehensive and I feel energized by the new information I learned.”

— Bill Rosenthal


“I thought I knew everything I needed to know about the mortgage industry to be successful. I feel confident in this market I can find more business. Thanks Pro mortgage! I’m looking forward to implementing these new strategies.

— Michael Barnes


“I’m new to the industry, I took the course because my new employer offered it as a benefit of joining his brokerage. No one else did that. I’m glad I joined them. Not sure I could find this type of training anywhere else.

— Tyrone Jackson.


“Our entire sales team took the mortgage sales training course together, and the results have been phenomenal. The course brought us closer, improved our teamwork, and provided us with a common understanding of best practices. We’ve since seen a significant increase in our team’s performance and have consistently outperformed our targets. This training course has been a game-changer for our team’s success.”

— Gina Giordano.


 “I used to think mortgages were about as exciting as watching paint dry, but this training course turned that around! The instructors made complex concepts feel like a breeze, and the interactive sessions were like a high-stakes game of Monopoly. Now, I’m not just selling mortgages; I’m a Mortgage Marvel, and I’m loving every minute of it!”

— Matt Bernstein.

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